Thursday 10 November 2011

School magazine evaluation!

Evaluation of my school magazine front cover
I found adobe design quite hard to use at the beginning of my project, but after I worked with it a bit more I began to get more used to it and found it easier to work with. I thought that my school magazine came out quite successful, I was pleased with my main front image as it looked smart and tidy, if I were to do this again though I probably would’ve  used more people as my main image varying in age to show the different pupils in the school. I was happy with my colour choice of yellow because it is the main school colour and represents it well. I wasn’t very happy with the layout and slogan of my magazine cover as I think it lacked in creativity and was quite boring, if I was going to do this again I would make the main image take up the whole front cover and use yellow and black text instead of just black as I believe that would’ve been more effective and interesting, I would make my stories more eye catching and stand out more as well. I was pleased with the amount of photos that I used (three) I think if I had anymore on there it would’ve been too much. In the end I was happy with the way the cover turned out and enjoyed creating and piecing it together.

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