Friday 18 November 2011

Analysis of magazine covers

Analysis of magazine covers
I decided to research on the internet, girly, pop magazines as that is the sort of cover that I would like to produce and out of the covers that I looked at these were my five favourite, I like the layout of all these covers and the way the colours stand out the most, I like the idea of having a white background and then having your most important text in a bright colour this will make it stand out more and be more interesting for the reader. My favourite two are between the top sugar magazine with one direction on it, as I like the way they have been positioned and the layout of the magazine, i also like that they are slightly covering the masthead but you can still make out what it says I think that’s a very good effect. My second favourite is the Fabulous magazine cover as once again I like how they have been placed on there and the way the masthead stands out but I’m not too fond on the layout of the cover as I think it’s a bit boring and dull, I believe that by combining certain qualities from the five different covers I could produce a good front cover that I would be happy with.

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