Friday 25 November 2011

Reader Profile

Drop A Beat: Reader Profile
Female: 90%        
Male: 10%
Average age: 16
ABC1: 75%
Still Studying: 88%
Working fulltime: 10%
Unemployed: 2%
In the last 12 months Drop A Beat readers bought on average:-
50 CD Albums-£500 for every reader
                                                        Total readership- £20m
61 CD Singles-£183 each reader
                                                     Total readership- £8m             
45% buy a lot of their music from a major music chain (i.e. HMV)
20% specialist record shop.
68% buy their music from an online retailer (Amazon, ITunes)
62% tracks downloaded in the last month.
80% own an iPod.
20% own a CD player.

90% have a mobile phone.
Like to keep up to date:-
64% say it’s important to keep up with the latest music.
43% are passionate about music.
Concerts and events:-
85% go to concerts regularly/often.
79% get their tickets online.
15% get tickets over the phone.
97% agree that music is a part of their daily lifestyle.
78% agree that they like to listen to new artists, which are being advertised.
35% are tempted to buy the products that are being advertised in the magazine.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

front cover image notes

How to make the front cover image effective:-
·        Position of model(s)
·        Colour scheme
·        Clothing- costumes
·        Lighting
·        Camera shot
·        Camera angle
·        Background
·        Props
·        Hair & Make-up
·        Shot distance
·        Composition
·        Number of models
·        The genre of magazine
·        Representation- gender, age, music
·        Pose
·        Setting- interior or exterior
·        Model on cover represents audience
·        Take at least 5 shots

Monday 21 November 2011

Music Fan Profile

Partying Popgirl
Age 15-19
What is she wearing? A feminine floral dress, with black tights and knee high boots, with a smart jacket as she never knows who she might run into( she hopes Justin Bieber) she’s into all the designer names such as Hollister, jack wills, Bench or anything glittery and girly. She wears her hair down in loose curls and wears minimal make-up as she wants to look good but not be over the top.
Listening To anything pop related, but mainly sung by her favourite boy band One Direction or Justin Bieber, she likes anything she can dance around to and be able to sing along into her hairbrush to.
Wants to be Married to either Justin Bieber or Harry Styles in the next ten years.
Find her In the middle of the dance floor at one of her many house parties or listening to her music at full volume in her room while painting her nails and applying make-up in preparation  for her big night out.

Friday 18 November 2011

Music magazine evaluation

Music Magazine Evaluation
I gave out eight of my questionnaires to girls and seven to boys as that is the gender that I’m hoping to aim my magazine at. Twelve of them were between the ages of fifteen to eighteen and the rest of them were nineteen plus. The top answers for what type of music they enjoyed listening to was pop and R&B as eight people said they like pop and six said R&B the one with the least amount of votes was indie music as only two people said that they liked it. I asked the question what would you be most interested in reading about on the front cover and the most popular answers were singers and upcoming concerts as they both got fifteen votes each, followed by latest albums and CDs with fourteen votes and music competitions with nine votes, the least popular choice was music producing as it only got two votes. The masthead that got the most votes was Drop a Beat as it got five votes, Music Mayhem was the second favourite which had four votes and the other mastheads got two votes each. The slogan that people preferred the most was ‘let the music speak’ which had eight votes, the slogan that the majority of the people disliked was ‘let the fun begin’ as no one voted for it. The target audience that everyone thought the magazine should be aimed at is between the ages of sixteen and nineteen as thirteen people voted for it, the other two votes were for the ages of eleven and fifteen. The three favourite colours that people thought would look the best together on a front cover were white, black and pink as they got eight votes each, the least favourite colour was purple which had only two votes. Thirteen people said that they would buy a music magazine which means two said that they wouldn’t.  Fourteen people said that they would want to see a band on the front cover; only one person said that they would, like to see instruments on the cover. Finally nine people said that they would be willing to pay between £2-2.50 for the magazine and six people said that they would want to pay £1-1.50 for it.

Analysis of magazine covers

Analysis of magazine covers
I decided to research on the internet, girly, pop magazines as that is the sort of cover that I would like to produce and out of the covers that I looked at these were my five favourite, I like the layout of all these covers and the way the colours stand out the most, I like the idea of having a white background and then having your most important text in a bright colour this will make it stand out more and be more interesting for the reader. My favourite two are between the top sugar magazine with one direction on it, as I like the way they have been positioned and the layout of the magazine, i also like that they are slightly covering the masthead but you can still make out what it says I think that’s a very good effect. My second favourite is the Fabulous magazine cover as once again I like how they have been placed on there and the way the masthead stands out but I’m not too fond on the layout of the cover as I think it’s a bit boring and dull, I believe that by combining certain qualities from the five different covers I could produce a good front cover that I would be happy with.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

analysing magazine covers- these were my favourite!

my music magazine questionnaire.

Music Magazine Questionnaire.
Please circle one of the following answers
1.     What  age group are you in:
11-14        27+
2.     What Gender are you?
3.     What type of music do you prefer?
Other (please state)
4.     Which of the following stories would you be more interested in reading about (pick four)
Singers (artists)
Music competition
Music producing
Latest albums and CDs
Upcoming concerts
Other (please state)
5.     What masthead do you like the best?
Music madness
Pop Sensations
Drop a beat
Music Mayhem
Off beat
Other (please state)

6.     Which slogan to you prefer out of the following:
You’ll hear it here first
Let the music speak
Get your music fix here
Let the fun begin here
Other (please state)
7.     What age should the target audience be?
8.     What colours should the magazine cover be (choose three)
Other (please state)
9.     Would you by a music magazine?
10.              How much would you be willing to pay?
11.            What images would you like to see on the front cover?
Solo Artists
Other (please state)

Thursday 10 November 2011

School magazine evaluation!

Evaluation of my school magazine front cover
I found adobe design quite hard to use at the beginning of my project, but after I worked with it a bit more I began to get more used to it and found it easier to work with. I thought that my school magazine came out quite successful, I was pleased with my main front image as it looked smart and tidy, if I were to do this again though I probably would’ve  used more people as my main image varying in age to show the different pupils in the school. I was happy with my colour choice of yellow because it is the main school colour and represents it well. I wasn’t very happy with the layout and slogan of my magazine cover as I think it lacked in creativity and was quite boring, if I was going to do this again I would make the main image take up the whole front cover and use yellow and black text instead of just black as I believe that would’ve been more effective and interesting, I would make my stories more eye catching and stand out more as well. I was pleased with the amount of photos that I used (three) I think if I had anymore on there it would’ve been too much. In the end I was happy with the way the cover turned out and enjoyed creating and piecing it together.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

I will be putting up the image of my front cover tomorrow, but it is still unfinished!