Wednesday 7 December 2011

Drop a Beat Mission Statement

Lauren’s new magazine Drop a Beat is a music magazine. Focusing on Pop music, Drop a Beat will combine amazing new releases, fresh new artists, good imagery, packed with shocking gossip all written in a witty style, to keep you wanting more.
Drop a Beat is mainly aimed at females around the ages of 14-19. Drop a Beat readers tend to be very feminine girls who are creative, open-minded, are very light-hearted and have a good sense of humour.
Drop a Beat contains everything that every girl would hope to read about, music, gossip, artists, clothes and the hottest celebrities. It’s a very light-hearted and humorous magazine but is still written in an intelligent, informative way.
Drop a Beat does not force you mind into things, it will merely plant the seed and let you creativity and imagination takeover and run free.
Drop a Beat’s role in its readers’ lives is to inform, entertain and inspire people to believe in themselves and get then doing something that they are passionate about.

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