Sunday 2 October 2011

My questionnaire evaluation

Media Studies
Questionnaire Evaluation.
I gave my questionnaire out to eight people who were five girls and 3 boys. The age varied from year 7 to year 13. The slogan that everyone preferred was ‘Saved by the bell’ as it got 4 votes; where as the other two choices had only 2 each. The three favourite stories that people would like to read about the most were Sporting Success and Teachers (secrets) as they got 6 votes each, followed by Next drama production which had 4 votes. The masthead that people liked the most was KHS which had 6 votes and the least favourite was Henry as no one voted for it. Seven people said that they would buy the school magazine if it was being sold, and 5 people said that they would be willing to pay 50p-£1 for it. The colour that most people said would draw their attention the most if it was on the front cover of the school magazine was Gold as it got 3 of the votes, the least popular colour was pink as it got no votes. The most popular answer for what images you would like to see the most on the front cover was a mixture of all the years as it got 5 votes; the least popular answer was teachers as it got 0 votes, finally I asked who should the school magazine be aimed at, and 6 people voted for all, students, teachers and parents which was the most popular answer.

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