Tuesday 17 April 2012

Music magazine evaluation questionnaire

Music Magazine


Audience Survey

Front Cover

1.      What do you associate with the name (masthead) of the magazine?



2.      What do you think about the colour scheme of my front cover?



3.      What does the main image on the front cover make you think of?



4.      Is the front cover appealing?

·         Yes

·         No

Give a reason for your answer



5.      Which of the following age groups do you think the magazine should be aimed at? (circle one)

·          11-15 year olds

·         16-20 year olds

·         21-25 year olds

·         26+

6.      Which gender do you think the magazine is targeting? (circle one)

·         Female

·         Male

·         Both

7.      What music genre would you associate my magazine cover with?

·         Pop

·         Rap

·         Dance

·         Hip Hop

·         Other……………………………(please state)

Contents Page

8.      Is the layout of the contents page clear and easy to use?

·         Yes

·         No

9.      Is it attractive to look at?

·         Yes

·         No

10.   Does the contents page resemble a page from a music magazine?

·         Yes

·         No

11.  Do you find the stories interesting on the contents page?

·         Yes

·       No

Double Page Spread

12.  Does the content of this article interest you? (give a reason)

·         Yes

·         No



13.  Does the headline draw you into reading the article? (give reason why)

·         Yes

·         No

Reason- …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


14.  Does the main image represent the article well?

·         Yes

·         No

15.  How would you rate the layout of the article? (circle one)

          Bad <1 2 3 4 5> Good

16.  Do you think the article looks like a real magazine article?

·         Yes

·         No

17.  Would you buy the magazine for the cover price?

·         Yes

·         No

18.  How would you rate the overall quality of the front cover, contents page and double page spread? (please circle one)

                  Bad <1 2 3 4 5> Good