Sunday 26 February 2012

What makes an effective music magazine contents page?

·        Put into different sections.

·        Have a reviews section.

·        Easy to navigate to pages that you want to read.

·        Have creative pictures.

·        Make sure that the pictures aren’t similar.

·        Use a variety of different fonts.

·        Make it clear and understandable for the reader.

·        Use more than one picture.

·        Make your main cover story stand out from the others.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Anaylsis of content pages 3

What I like about this content page is the fact that they have got an image of the front cover of the magazine with arrows to the main stories linking to the page numbers, I like this idea as I believe that it is a quick and easy way to locate the page that you are looking for and it also looks quite effective as it stands out. I also like how it is split into sections as it then becomes clearer on the page, what I don’t like about it is the amount of subsidiary images as I think that 4/5 subsidiary images looks better.

Anaylsis of content pages 2

I like this contents page, as once again I like the layout of the text and how the main front cover story stands out  from the others, I also like how they’ve added a little paragraph about what the editor says, which I would like to copy for my contents page. The other thing I like about it is the amount of subsidiary images and how the page numbers linking to those images are clear. I don’t like the colour scheme as I don’t think blue and yellow would quite fit in with my magazine.

Anaylsis of content pages 1

What I like about this contents page is the layout, as it can be read easily and looks effective. I like the way they have made the cover story the main image and shown the page number clearer and in a different colour so that it is easy to locate and find.  I also like the colour scheme and I think this particular colour scheme would go well with my magazine. The only thing that I don’t like is the way the subsidiary images are placed as I think it looks a bit messy.

Sunday 5 February 2012

double page article analysis 3

I like this article as it is a pop article about “one direction” which my band is based on so would be good for my magazine, I like the idea of the band being above the columns and going over the two pages, I think this is my favourite layout as I like how the questions stand out and the colours that have been chosen, I would use this as a guideline for my double page article.

double page article analysis 2

What I like about this article is the pull quote as I think it is very creative and I would like to do one like that for my double page article as it attracts the eye and can draw the reader in, I also like the main image and the way it stands out from the page. The whole layout of the article is good and I would like my article to look something like this.

double page article analysis 1

I like how the question and answers are laid out on the page and the colours that have been used, I chose to look at this article as it fits in with my pop theme and I think that sort of layout would look good in my magazine, I also like the idea of the pull quote and how it really catches your eye. The thing that I don’t like about this article is the photo as I would like my photo to take up one page.