Friday 4 May 2012

Audience survey- Evaluation on music magazine

Music Magazine Evaluation

Audience Survey-Answers

I asked ten people as I believed that was a good amount of people to ask to make my results more reliable. Seven of these people were females between the ages of twelve to seventeen as this is the target audience in which my magazine would be aimed at, the other three boys varied from ages fourteen to seventeen, this was to acquire a wider range of answers, which are shown below.

Front Cover

1.      What do you associate with the name (masthead) of the magazine?

Most People for this answer related it to music as they said that it was like the beat and sound of the music, the majority did also say pop genre which I am happy about as that is what I wanted it to be referred to.

2.      What do you think about the colour scheme of my front cover?






These results show that they believe that it is girly which is good as the majority of my target audience are girls from early to late teens which I believe they will favour these colours most.

3.      What does the main image on the front cover make you think of?

Boy band


Boys from school



The results mainly show that when they look at these images they think of people having fun, and them just being regular boys from school. This shows that I achieved what I wanted as I didn’t want it looking cheesy and fake.

4.      Is the front cover appealing?

·         Yes 8

·         No 2

The two people that said no were boys and that wasn’t because they didn’t like it just at the fact that it is very girly.

5.      Which of the following age groups do you think the magazine should be aimed at? (circle one)

·          11-15 year olds- 9

·         16-20 year olds- 1

·         21-25 year olds-0

·         26+-0

The results show that I chose the right target audience to aim my magazine at as I hoped people would notice that, however I would’ve liked a couple of people to say the 16-20 age group as I don’t want to be too limited on my audience.

6.      Which gender do you think the magazine is targeting? (circle one)

·         Female 10

·         Male 0

·         Both 0

This shows that I chose the correct gender to aim my magazine at as I wanted to target the female audience rather than male.

7.      What music genre would you associate my magazine cover with?

·         Pop 7

·         Rap 0

·         Dance 3

·         Hip Hop 0

·         Other……………………………(please state)

These results shows that my target audience have recognised that my magazine is a pop genre which shows that I have made it obvious and people aren’t confused to what style it is.

Contents Page

8.      Is the layout of the contents page clear and easy to use?

·         Yes 10

·         No 0

This shows that I chose the right layout for my contents page I believe if I had put it all on one side it would’ve been harder to read.

9.      Is it attractive to look at?

·         Yes 9

·         No 1

I am happy with this result as my whole purpose was to make it attractive for to reader, the person that answered no said the only reason he did was because he’s not very fond of the colour pink.


10.   Does the contents page resemble a page from a music magazine?

·         Yes 5

·         No 5

I hoped that more people would say that it look like a contents page from  magazine, however it shows that it is original which I have not copied from a pop magazine.

11.  Do you find the stories interesting on the contents page?

·         Yes 7

·       No 3

The three people that said no were boys and that was because they thought they were too feminine and wasn’t that interested in celebrities.

Double Page Spread

12.  Does the content of this article interest you? (give a reason)

·         Yes 8

·         No 2

This shows that people find it interesting and it’s not just the look that intrigues them they believe the content is interesting.

13.  Does the headline draw you into reading the article? (give reason why)

·         Yes  7

·         No 3

I think that using the logo on the front cover was a good choice as it make the look overall a lot better and I think that is the main feature that draws the reader in.

14.  Does the main image represent the article well?

·         Yes 10

·         No 0

This shows that my main image was a success as I wanted it to represent them as having fun and being happy, which is how I have also reflected them in my article.

15.  How would you rate the layout of the article? (circle one)

          Bad <1 2 3 4 5> Good

5: 6

4: 3

3: 1

2: 0

1: 0

The people that gave a slightly lower mark said that they think there should’ve have been a subsidiary image which I agree with but I couldn’t fit it on without it looking disorganised.

16.  Do you think the article looks like a real magazine article?

·         Yes 6

·         No 4

This gives me a positive result as most people thought that it looked like a real magazine page which is what I hoped for.

17.  Would you buy the magazine for the cover price?

·         Yes 7

·         No 3

I think that the price that I have chosen is not ridiculous as most pop magazines are about £3 therefore making mine a reasonable price to charge, however the 3 peoples reasons for saying “no” were that it wasn’t their favourite music genre to read about.

18.  How would you rate the overall quality of the front cover, contents page and double page spread? (please circle one)

                  Bad <1 2 3 4 5> Good

5: 6

4.5: 2

4: 1

3: 1

2: 0

1: 0

This shows that overall I have succeeded in producing 3 good pages that I am happy with and hopefully so would my target audience.

Question 1

Magazine front cover finished

Double page article finished

Contents page finished